Component Pascal Collection
Helmut Zinn
- Html - Html File Converter.
- Ttf - Ttf Covering (TrueType Fonts, OpenType File Format).
- UnicodeGenerators - Unicode Generators with Unicode Character Database.
- UnicodeMappings - Unicode Mappings with the generated Modules.
- AlmPathLab - A BusyBox (Lab) Panel to interconvert Module names and ancillary file names.
- Dots - Game "Dots" (Точки).
- Lists - Dynamic collections, list of different structures & string manipulation tools.
- Odf - Create documents in the Open Document Format.
- Basic - Getting started with Component Pascal.
- CpcLangMapper - Language Mapper from / to Excel tables.
- Han - Han Numbers - 中文数字.
- Info - Check, collect, link, replace & search all documents.
- Kurzweil - Small programs for education and fun.
- Xy - Xy Games.
- Xmlcore - Using the Document Object Model and Extensible Markup Language.
- Zlib - Nondestructive compression using the Deflate algorithm.
- Abpe - Automata-Based Programming Engine.
- Tpc - Support for Technical Process Control.
- Basics - Program library for Bit-Manipulations, Dynamic-Strings, File-I/Os and Run-Parameters.
- Benchmark - A Benchmark Suite to Measure Computer Performance.
- Tp2cp - Turbo Pascal to Component Pascal Translator.
- Webstat - Analysing Web Log Files.
- Han - Han Numbers - 中文数字.
- MGui - MGuiBase implements some basic elements for GUIs.
- Ctlsx - Tables and other Controls Extensions.
- Misc - Procedures for Calendar, Time-Handling, Dialog, Lists and Sorting.
- Babel - Babel Compiler Compiler.
- CpcRegul - Regular Lexical Analyser.
- TboxBook - Writing books with BlackBox.
- TboxCoderList - Generate a package list for StdCoded and PacCoded files.
- Util - Utility tools.
- Lola - Lola.
- Scl - Standard Container Library.
- W3c - XML, HTML, CSS, and JSON.
- Ctls - Buttons, Arrows, Sets, Sliders, RealField and UnitField.
- Http - Http/Https-Server.
- SQLite - Using SQLite with BlackBox.
- Srcnav - Component Pascal Source Code Navigator.
- Demo - Sample programs of using the Chill group.
- Http - Http/Https-Server.
- Frame - An abstract hierarchical Specification framework.
- SQLiteBrowser - Browser for SQLite.
- TboxAnmeldebilder - Saving the Spotlight Images from Windows 10 Lock Screen.
- Algebra - Computational Algebra library.
- Casket - Writing mathematical expressions in BlackBox documents.
- ChillDocu - Chill 12 Documentation.
- Co_ - Coroutines, Tasks and Schedulers.
- CpcBeautifier - Component Pascal Source Code Beautifier.
- CpcBitmaps - Bitmaps.
- CpcChill - Bitmaps, ControlTips, FormTidy, Markers, Search and Stylists.
- CpcControlTips - Pop-up Tips when the mouse pointer goes over a Control.
- CpcFormTidy - Control layout tools for use in constructing Forms.
- CpcLanguage - Language for Component Pascal.
- CpcSearch - Search & Replace with wildcards and text attributes.
- CpcSpell - A minimalistic Spelling checker.
- CpcStylists - A Stylist is an object used to organise Rulers (TextRulers.Ruler) in a Document.
- Epse21 - Efficient Programming for Sciences and Engineering in the 21st Century.
- Filter - Digital and other filter design and analysis.
- Lib - Engineering & Scientific library.
- Multi - Arbitrary ultra high precision arithmetic & Tools.
- Nav - Navigation & Coordinate transform library modules and tools.
- OglChill - An extension to the 'Base' or 'Original' Ogl subsystem adding higher level functionality.
- Pac - Data compression utility (Burrows / Wheeler or LZ77 + adaptative Huffman coding).
- StdBackgrounder - Set Background Colour in Views.
- Wands - A collection of general purpose and eclectic tools (Wand: tool used by a magician).
- DiaPlot - 2D diagrams plotting.
- Ttf - Ttf Covering (TrueType Fonts, OpenType File Format).
- C2cp - C to Component Pascal Translator.
- Coco - A BlackBox port of Hanspeter Mössenböck's Coco/R Compiler Compiler.
- CpcMenus - Switching Menus.
- Desktop - Persistent Desktop.
- FreeImage - Loading, displaying and saving popular graphic image formats.
- GftSearch - File Searching.
- CpcEverywhere - Documentation Tool.
- CpcIndex - Cross reference builder and pretty printer.
- CpcTabs - Tiled interface with tabs for open windows.
- CpcWhere - Where, Indexer of Source, Documantation & Symbol files.
- DevCPConv - Oberon Conversion Tool.
- Escher - Escher constraint-drawing editor.
- Prettify - Coco pretty-printer grammars for Component Pascal.
- CpcTabs - Tiled interface with tabs for open windows.
- Prettify - Coco pretty-printer grammars for Component Pascal.
- Bbt - BlackBox tools: Unicode module converter tools & Compiler helper tools.
- Ogl - An interface to OpenGL.
- Sdl - Simple DirectMedia Layer bindings for Oberon.
- Ta_ - Transparent Architecture - communication SW for distributed systems.
- Trf - Text reader & formater filter.
- Co_ - Coroutines, Tasks and Schedulers.
- Rng - Random Number Generator.
- Sphere - Positions of charged particles on a sphere.
- Prolog - Prolog Interpreter.
- Srcnav - Component Pascal Source Code Navigator.
- OglGlut - GLUT interface as an addition to the Ogl subsystem.
- ADen - Algorithms and Data Structures.
- My - Interaction with the BlackBox framework.
- Sdl - Simple DirectMedia Layer bindings for Oberon.
- Ta_ - Transparent Architecture - communication SW for distributed systems.
- GftGlyphs - Inserting special characters into text files.
- GftMessages - BlackBox Messages Notification.
- Trf - Text reader & formater filter.
- Bnf7 - (Bnf7)Ebnf.atg: Ebnf Pretty-Printer. A sample use of Coco.
- Elicitor - Distributions for a logistic regression model.
- Logit - Visualising the parameters of a logistic regression equation.
- Probability - Visualising probability.
- SQLite - Using SQLite with BlackBox.
- UnicodeGenerators - Unicode Generators with Unicode Character Database.
- UnicodeMappings - Unicode Mappings with the generated Modules.
- Webstat - Analysing Web Log Files.
- Bbt - BlackBox tools: Unicode module converter tools & Compiler helper tools.
- DevCPConv - Oberon Conversion Tool.
- Xmlcore - Using Document Object Model and Extensible Markup Language.
- AlmGather - Source Code Collection and Topological Sort (Gather.Order).
- Amisc - Organize Desktop, Taskbar and Toolbar.
- Basics - Program library for Bit-Manipulations, Dynamic-Strings, File-I/Os and Run-Parameters.
- CpcLangMapper - Language Mapper from / to Excel tables.
- CpcTray - Icon in System Tray.
- OglGlut - GLUT interface as an addition to the Ogl subsystem.
- TboxTranslate - Text Translation by Words.
- WorkWindows - List of open windows.
- Zlib - A data compression library.
- Alacarte - 3D computer graphic a la carte.
- Basic - Getting started with Component Pascal.
- Benchmark - A Benchmark Suite to Measure Computer Performance.
- CommTCPAsync - Non-blocking TCP Streams Module.
- CpcBookmarks - Bookmarks for text documents.
- CpcFileBrowser - File Browser with subsystem, folder and document windows.
- Dbu - HTTP Client and Server Utilities.
- Kurzweil - Small programs for education and fun.
- TboxCountDown - How many days are left until...?
- Web - Publishing BlackBox documents on Internet or Intranets.
- CpcETHConv - A converter for loading Oberon System3 and Linz V4 file formats.
- CpcSplitter - Split a window and scroll the two panes independently.
- Hermes - Scientific Spreadsheet.
- Numer - Video digitizer.
- Toolbar - Add a toolbar to the BlackBox window.
- Casket - Writing mathematical expressions in BlackBox documents.
- CpcAllCaps - Capitalisation of Keywords.
- CpcSplitter - Split a window and scroll the two panes independently.
- GftWrappers - Keyboard & Mouse Wrapper.
- Hermes - Scientific Spreadsheet.
- Mk - Learning a Programming Language with Mk Turtle Grafik - the easy way!
- Oss - Oberon-0 Compiler for BlackBox.
- Race - Race.
- StdBackgrounder - Set Background Colour in Views.
- Sudoku - Sudoku Builder & Solver.
- Xy - Xy Games.
- Oop - OOP Examples for Beginners.
- P2o - Pascal to Oberon Translator.
- C2cp - C to Component Pascal Translator.
- CpcETHConv - A converter for loading Oberon System3 and Linz V4 file formats.
- CpcPreprocessor - Named Integers in Component Pascal.
- Escher - Escher constraint-drawing editor.
- FreeImage - Loading, displaying and saving popular graphic image formats.
- GftAudio - Sound Recording and Playing.
- P2o - Pascal to Oberon Translator.
- Pom - Persistent Object Manager.
- Pow - Pascal of the 3d milenium (Computer programming with Oberon-2).
- Datafit - Non-linear data modelling by the simplex method.
- Gr - Data Acquisition and Monitoring Toolbox.
- Kine - Simulation Tools.
- Opal - Oberon Portable Applications Library.
- Cam - Multiple Undo/Redo, light up / hot buttons, list readers and procedure navigator.
- CpcBitmaps - Bitmaps.
- CpcCompressors - Data compression utility interface.
- CpcEverywhere - Documentation Tool.
- Epse21 - Efficient Programming for Sciences and Engineering in the 21st Century.
- GftSearch - File Searching.
- Info21 - Project Informatika-21. Component Pascal as a first language.
- OglChill - An extension to the 'Base' or 'Original' Ogl subsystem adding higher level functionality.
- Onedim - Diagnostic Plots for One-Dimensional Data.
- Oop - OOP Examples for Beginners.
- Pbox - Introduction into Computer Science.
- Shapes - Renders primitive shapes.
- TboxBirthday - Birthday reminder.
- TboxBook - Writing books with BlackBox.
- TboxCompFile - Binary compare file.
- CpcFloat - Diagnosing floating point calculations precision.
- Media - Media Player.
- Plot - 2D plotting tools including data fit.
- State - 3D Programming for Windows.
- Tabmult - Multiplication tables training.
- Water - Simulation of waves (Example of bitmap manipulation by WinApi calls).
- ChillDocu - Chill 07 Documentation.
- CpcControlTips - Pop-up Tips when the mouse pointer goes over a Control.
- CpcFloat - Diagnosing floating point calculations precision.
- CpcLanguage - Language for Component Pascal.
- CpcMenus - Switching Menus.
- CpcStats - Statistic of accessing the CPC website.
- CpcStylists - A Stylist is an object used to organise Rulers (TextRulers.Ruler) in a Document.
- Ctlsx - Tables and other Controls Extensions.
- Dragoncity - Developing Programs with BlackBox Oberon and MySql.
- Filter - Digital and other filter design and analysis.
- Good - Entertainment.
- Kine - Simulation Tools.
- Media - Media Player.
- Multi - Arbitrary ultra high precision arithmetic.
- Nav - Navigating on an Oblate Sphereoid, in particular the Earth model.
- Numer - Video digitizer.
- State - 3D Programming for Windows.
- TboxTeaTime - Tea Time Alarm Clock.
- TboxText - Sorting Text Lines.
- Toolbar - Add a toolbar to the BlackBox window.
- Wands - A collection of general purpose and eclectic tools (Wand: tool used by a magician).
- Water - Simulation of waves (Example of bitmap manipulation by WinApi calls).
- Cow - Cow is a subsystem aimed at compiler writers.
- CpcBeautifier - Component Pascal Source Code Beautifier.
- CpcFormTidy - Control layout tools for use in constructing Forms.
- CpcSearch - Search & Replace with wildcards and text attributes.
- CpcSpell - A minimalistic Spelling checker.
- CpcWhere - Where, Indexer of Source, Documantation & Symbol files.
- Ctls - Buttons, Arrows, Sets, Sliders, RealField and UnitField.
- Opal - Oberon Portable Applications Library.
- Pep6 - Pep/6 simulator.
- Tp2cp - Turbo Pascal to Component Pascal Translator.
- Util - Utility tools.
- Babel - Babel Compiler Compiler.
- CpcIndex - Cross reference builder and pretty printer.
- CpcRegul - Regular Lexical Analyser.
- Gr - Data Acquisition and Monitoring Toolbox.
- Misc - Procedures for Calendar, Time-Handling, Dialog, Lists and Sorting.
- Ogl - An interface to OpenGL.
- Omi - Change the subsystem name in forms.
- Pac - Data compression utility (Burrows / Wheeler or LZ77 + adaptative Huffman coding).
- Pic - A small extensible Vector Graphic Editor.
- Plot - 2D plotting tools including data fit.
- Reg - Reading windows registry with BlackBox.
- TboxCoderList - Generate a package list for StdCoded and PacCoded files.
- TboxPhoto - All picture files rename to increasing sequential numbers.
- Algebra - Computational Algebra library.
- Coco - A BlackBox port of Hanspeter Mössenböck's Coco/R Compiler Compiler.
- CpcAsciiCoder - Decode Eth Oberon V4 Cod files.
- Datafit - Non-linear data modelling by the simplex method.
- Desktop - Persistent Desktop.
- Dos - An Update Program.
- Html - Html Importer and Exporter.
- Info - Check, collect, link, replace & search all documents.
- Lib - Engineering & Scientific library.
- Tabmult - Multiplication tables training.
- TboxHexConv - Read and write hex dump.
- TboxTimer - Measure the runtime of one procedure/module.
Introduction | Subsystems | Topics | Authors | Date | Links | FAQ | Downloads
2000 | 2005 | 2010 | 2015 | 2020 | 2021
Last Updated 16th January 2025