The Component Pascal Collection is a software repository. The software is written in the Component Pascal programming language (equivalent to Oberon-2). It is a collection of different subsystems for BlackBox. I wrote this website in BlackBox using the subsystem Html.
This collection provides sample source code, tools, utilities, math and graphics libraries, and a many other applications. There are also useful simple examples for tutorials. Here you will find algorithms and solutions to common computer programming problems.
The BlackBox Component Builder is an integrated software development system for editing, compiling, executing and debugging Component Pascal programs. Component Pascal belongs to Niklaus Wirth's family of programming languages such as Oberon and Modula. The order of development was as follows: Pascal (1970), Modula-2 (1980), Oberon (1990), Oberon/F (1995), BlackBox (2000), Component Pascal (2005).
All subsystems and modules use BlackBox 1.8 for Windows. Read on for more information: How do I get started? You need it to compile the programs here. The BlackBox Component Builder has been developed by Oberon Microsystems.
Of course they would like to hear about your experience. You can find their email address in the xyz subsystem in the document "xyz/Docu/Quick-Start.odc". I have removed their email address from this website, because spam is a big problem and very annoying. This compromise may help us to get less spam.
You can also send your feedback to my email address: feedback[at]zinnamturm[dot]eu . Don't forget to replace [at] with @ and [dot] with a point.
You can also ask your questions in the BlackBox Framework Forum. Look for the subforum of the component. There you can share your experiences and discuss them with other users. If the subforum does not exist please create a new one with the subsystem name.
Don't hesitate to send it by email. You don't have to type in the package list for the StdCoded or PacCoded files. Just generate the list using the module TboxCoderList or the Pac subsystem.
Introduction | Subsystems | Topics | Authors | Date | Links | FAQ | Downloads
A..C | D..H | I..N | O..S | T..Z
Last Updated 16th January 2025