Component Pascal Collection

Helmut Zinn


By Helmut Zinn

Check, collect, link, replace & search all documents.

The Info subsystem is a collection of tools to manage links and documents. It supports the following tasks:

If you insert the following link in a odc document
   <InfoCmds.Start('')>Oberon Microsystems<>
then you have a link to the website of ...

If you insert the following link in a odc document
then you can send a mail to ...

Another application of this subsystem is to translate a website. Select an url in your text document (e.g.: and press the key Shift+Ctrl+L simultaneously. You get the translation of the oberonecore website from Russian to English.

And so on ...

Info uses the services provided by Pac, Ctls, Dos and TboxTimer.

StdCoded File <=> PacCoded File (202 / 93 kByte - Release 24-July-2023)


By Fyodor Tkachov and Helmut Zinn

Project Informatika-21. Component Pascal as a first language.

The value of Oberon/CP as a first language is obvious to most of us. The Info21 subsystem is a collection of tools to support this tasks. Russian high schools use Info21 in the Project Informatika-21. One module of Info21 provides an approximation to the Turbo Pascal graphics library.

You can participate the International Olimpiad in Informations Problems and write your solutions in Component Pascal with this subsystem. Another module shows how an exe-file can be generated for automatic processing by programming contest jury.

Info21 uses optional the services of Dos

StdCoded File <=> PacCoded File (543 / 240 kByte - Release 18-Mar-2004)


By Gérard Meunier

Simulation Tools.

This software provides some simulations in mechanics.

It includes the simulation of:

Kine uses the services provided by Ctls, Babel and Util.

Outils de Simulation.

Ce logiciel propose quelques simulations en mécaniques.

Contenu :

Ce logiciel nécessite la présence des sous-systèmes Ctls, Babel et Util.

StdCoded File <=> PacCoded File (167 / 76 kByte - Release 17-May-2005)


By Helmut Zinn

Small programs for education and fun.

Currently available programs:

Kurzweil uses the services provided by TboxTimer and Xy.

StdCoded File <=> PacCoded File (23 / 11 kByte - Release 7-Aug-2023)


By Robert D. Campbell

Engineering & Scientific library.

Lib is a subsystem that contains a library of general purpose routines suitable for engineering type applications. It comprises modules for graphics (2D, 3D, timeseries), complex numbers, vectors, matrices, eigensystems, integration, root finding, special functions, random variates, linked lists, sorting, factorisation, timing, large sets, and an extended formatter.

This version of Lib contains many years of development since the last version was published, and some interfaces will have changed. It should be easy to adapt client code. Any issues could be discusson at

Lib uses the services provided by CpcCompressors and Ctls. Some Lib Docu files use the following modules: CpcChill and Casket. They are desirable, but not essential.

StdCoded File <=> PacCoded File (4.292 / 1.235 kByte - Release 2-Jun-2017 - Chill 12)


By Ivan A. Kuzmitskiy, Peter M. Kushnir &  Ivan N. Goryachev

Dynamic collections, list of different structures & string manipulation tools.

This subsystem is a set of modules that provide a dynamic collection and list of various structures. Plus a set of library components to work with strings.

Lists  doesn't use any other CPC services.

StdCoded File <=> PacCoded File (181 / 85 kByte - Release 20-Sep-2023)


By Mary Kynn

Visualising the parameters of a logistic regression equation.

Tools for reverse-engineering the logistic regression model. That is, if the expert has given their opinion via the graphs in Elicitor, these tools can be used to input the parameters of the posterior distribution to get graphs to compare the changes from the prior in the (hopefully sensible) format the prior was elicited in. Note that one needs to be careful of context and interpretation!

Logit doesn't use any other CPC services. I recomment to use Logit together with Elicitor and Probability.

StdCoded File <=> PacCoded File (345 / 65 kByte - Release 7-Feb-2010)


By Niklaus Wirth and Josef Templ


The subsystem Lola provides a port of the logic description language Lola-2 designed and implemented by Prof: Niklaus Wirth at ETH Zurich. Lola-2 uses a syntax similar to Oberon (and Component Pascal) for describing digital circuits (logic) that can be implemented for example on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Lola texts are translated into the Hardware Description Language (HDL) Verilog. Hardware vendor specific tools must be used for mapping a Verilog program onto a particular hardware. The advantage of using Lola over Verilog is that it is much simpler and less error prone due to increased regularity and static error checking. For details about Lola-2 see the Lola-2 homepage.

Lola doesn't use any other CPC services.

StdCoded File <=> PacCoded File (81 / 37 kByte - Release 2-January-2018)


By Juan Antonio Ortega

Media Player.

Would you like to play your favourite music with BlackBox? Do you want to watch your videos? Now it's possible with subsystem Media! With this subsystem you can play media files such as wav, mp3, avi, and so on. Audio CDs are also supported.

Media uses the services provided by Pac, Ctls, Dos, Babel and Util.

StdCoded File <=> PacCoded File (69 / 33 kByte - Release 15-Sep-2004)


By Gerhard Marent

MGuiBase implements some basic elements for GUIs.

Content and main features

MGui uses optional the services of CpcFormTidy.

StdCoded File <=> PacCoded File (208 / 90 kByte - Release 5-June-2020)


By Gerhard Marent

Procedures for Calendar, Time-Handling, Dialog, Lists and Sorting.

This Library provides 10 modules:

  1. Module MiscCalendar - calendar procedures.
  2. MiscTimeSeries - simple time series handling.
  3. MiscCLists - simple linear list, based on items of type Stores.Store.
  4. MiscSLists - simple linear list, based on items of type Stores.Store.
  5. Dialog - Some procedures to ease the use of Dialog.List.
  6. Sorts - Some sorting procedures.
  7. States - State names and their abbreviations.
  8. Scrollers - A type of scroller.
  9. TextWrapper - A wrapper for text views, embedded in forms.
  10. TextUtil - Some text utilities.

Misc doesn't use any other CPC services.

StdCoded File <=> PacCoded File (201 / 83 kByte - Release 18-Jul-2020)


By Michael Kühn and Helmut Zinn

Learning a Programming Language with Mk Turtle Grafik - the easy way!

You are welcome! MKTurtle is a learning environment. It helps pupils to getting started to learn a programming language.

We introduce a programming environment, which is easier to use than usually. Computer science teacher should have a look and try out the turtle grafik.

The turtle grafik uses the programming language Component Pascal (Oberon-2). The necessary programming environment is called BlackBox. Everyone can download BlackBox from the web site

The documentation of the turtle grafik is in German completly. You found a short German-English dictionary inside Quick-Start. There are several programming examples with source code.

See also software for teaching from Michael Kühn under

Mk uses the services provided by Ctls and Xy.

Mk Turtle Grafik - Programmieren lernen - leicht gemacht!

Herzlich willkommen! MKTurtle ist eine Lernumgebung, die es Schülern ermöglichen soll, schnell in die Programmierung einzusteigen.

Hier wird eine Programmierumgebung vorgestellt, die das Lernen einer Programmiersprache einfacher gestaltet als normalerweise üblich. Vor allem Informatiklehrer/innen sollten deshalb genau hinschauen und die Turtlegrafik ausprobieren.

Realisiert wurde die hier vorgestellte Turtle-Grafik mit Hilfe der Programmiersprache Component Pascal (eine Weiterentwicklung von Oberon-2). Die notwendige Programmier-Umgebung heißt BlackBox. Jeder kann BlackBox von der Webseite kostenlos herunter laden.

Dokumentiert wird eine Turtlegrafik, die mit deutschen Befehlen arbeitet und die eine animierte Schildkröte (Turtle) auf dem Bildschirm zeigt. Sie können alle Programme und Beispiele in Quellcode anschauen.

Siehe auch Software für den Unterricht von Michael Kühn unter

Mk braucht die Subsysteme Ctls und Xy.

StdCoded File <=> PacCoded File (235 / 91 kByte - Release 22-Nov-2006)


By Robert D. Campbell

Arbitrary ultra high precision arithmetic.

Multi implements multi-precision arithmetic for integers and real numbers (using both fixed and floating point formats). There is a comprehensive real function library (Sines, Exponentials, Log etc) tested to 10000 decimal places, but probably good for many more.

There are advanced 'fast' algorithms (based on Fourier transforms (FFTs) and Number Theoretic Transforms (NTTs)) that implement basic arithmetic effectively to multi-million decimal places. This is used to implement a variety of fast algorithms to compute Pi to this precision. There are also several fast integer factorisation algorithms implemented (such as the Continued Fraction method), although the most sophisticated methods (Elliptic Curve and Number Field Sieve) are not available.

This subsystem also implements arithmetic for the 32-bit & 64-bit 'Cardinals', ie unsigned integers, and algorithms that use these (eg factorisation).

Multi uses the services provided by Algebra, CpcChill, Ctls, Filter and Lib.

StdCoded File <=> PacCoded File (3.088 / 1.125 kByte - Release 24-Apr-2017 - Chill 12)


By Douglas G. Danforth

Interaction with the BlackBox framework.

Subsystem My is intent to simplify the interaction with the BlackBox framework.

My doesn't use any other CPC services.

StdCoded File <=> PacCoded File (115 / 46 kByte - Release 20-Jan-2012)

By Robert D. Campbell

Navigating on an Oblate Sphereoid, in particular the Earth model.

This subsystem provides several facilities of use for navigation and mapping. It provides particular support for the WGS84 model of the Earth, for several commonly used general map projections, and particular support for the United Kingdom map projection.

The support comprises background documentation, interactive user tools, and programmers subroutines.

Of particular note are implementations of the Universal Transverse Mercator and Universal Polar Stereographic projections, and an exact implementation of the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain OSTN02 & OSTN15 projections.

There is the full EGM96 geoid model, the full Ordnance Survey OSGM02 & OSGM15 geoid models, and the Ordnance Survey Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) model of Great Britain with 50 m postings.

Further tools calculate geodesics, and calculate gimbal angles for sight-line pointing devices, both operating with ellipsoidal Earth models.

Nav uses the services provided by Algebra, CpcChill, CpcCompressor, Ctls, Filter, Lib and Multi.

StdCoded File <=> PacCoded File (23.869 / 9.773 kByte - Release 24-Apr-2017 - Chill 12)


By Gérard Meunier

Video digitizer.

This software lets you digitize the positions of moving points in video movies. It has been tested with avi files. Acquired data may be exported to spreadsheets or to Hermes. One can visualize reference frame changes too (translation case only).

Numer uses the services provided by Babel and Util.

Numériseur de vidéos.

Ce programme permet la numérisation du mouvement de points mobiles dans des séquences vidéos. Il a été testé avec des fichiers avi. Les données acquises peuvent être exportées vers le logiciel Plot ou vers un tableur. On peut aussi visualiser un changement de référentiel (translation uniquement).

Ce logiciel nécessite la présence des sous-systèmes Babel et Util.

StdCoded File <=> PacCoded File (145 / 64 kByte - Release 29-Aug-2007)


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